The static properties or variables are those variables which are defined with the static keyword. All static variables are public by default, but you can make them private or protected if required. You can access static variables directly using Scope Resolution Operator (::) along with the class name. These variables are not accessible by its object with the help of Object Operator (->).
Example 1: access static properties using scope resolution operator (::)
class Car
public static $brand = 'Tata';
public static $model = 'Tata Safari';
// get static properties using scope resolution operator (::)
$properties = array(
'brand' => Car::$brand,
'model' => Car::$model
Array ( [brand] => Tata [model] => Tata Safari )
Example 2: access static properties using self keyword and member function
class Car
public static $brand = 'Tata';
public static $model = 'Tata Safari';
public function getBrand()
return self::$brand;
public function getModel()
return self::$model;
// get static properties
$c1 = new Car();
$properties = array(
'brand' => $c1->getBrand(),
'model' => $c1->getModel()
Array ( [brand] => Tata [model] => Tata Safari )
Example 3: access static properties using self keyword and static function
class Car
public static $brand = 'Tata';
public static $model = 'Tata Safari';
public static function getBrand()
return self::$brand;
public static function getModel()
return self::$model;
// get static properties
$properties = array(
'brand' => Car::getBrand(),
'model' => Car::getModel()
Array ( [brand] => Tata [model] => Tata Safari )
Example 4: access static properties from parent class within child class using self keyword, parent keyword and static function
class Car
public static $brand = 'Tata';
public static $model = 'Tata Safari';
public static function getBrand()
return self::$brand;
public static function getModel()
return self::$model;
class MyCar extends Car
public static $transmission = 'Automatic';
public function __construct()
public static function getTrasmission()
return self::$transmission;
// get static properties
$properties = array(
'brand' => MyCar::getBrand(),
'model' => MyCar::getModel(),
'transmission' => MyCar::getTrasmission()
Array ( [brand] => Tata [model] => Tata Safari [transmission] => Automatic )
PHP access modifiers allow you to control where your class members can be accessed from, for instance to prevent a certain variable from being modified from outside the class.
Traits in PHP, are a medium of implementing code reuse and allow us to reuse sets of functions freely in several independent classes.
The static methods in PHP are those methods which are declared with the static keyword and can be accessed directly using Scope Resolution Operator (::).