The static methods or functions are those methods which are declared with the static keyword. All static methods are public by default, but you can make them private or protected if required. You can access static methods directly using Scope Resolution Operator (::) along with the class name. These methods are not accessible by its object with the help of Object Operator (->).
Example 1: access static properties using static method and scope resolution operator (::)
class Car
public static $brand = 'Tata';
public static $model = 'Tata Safari';
public static function getBrand()
return self::$brand;
public static function getModel()
return self::$model;
// get static properties using static method and scope resolution operator (::)
$brand = Car::getBrand();
$model = Car::getModel();
$properties = array(
'brand' => $brand,
'model' => $model
Array ( [brand] => Tata [model] => Tata Safari )
In above example, we have declared two static properties $brand and $model. We also defined two static methods called getBrand() and getModel(). Then we are calling both the static methods using class name and Scope Resolution Operator (::) without creating any instance of Car class.
As we know, a class can have both static and non-static methods inside it. So, we can even access the static methods inside a non-static method with the help of self keyword and Scope Resolution Operator (::).
Example 2: access static methods using non-static method and scope resolution operator (::)
class Car
public static $brand = 'Tata';
public static $model = 'Tata Safari';
public static function getBrand()
return self::$brand;
public static function getModel()
return self::$model;
public function showProperties()
$properties = array(
'brand' => self::getBrand(),
'model' => self::getModel()
return $properties;
// get static properties using non-static method and scope resolution operator (::)
$car = new Car();
$properties = $car->showProperties();
Array ( [brand] => Tata [model] => Tata Safari )
Even we can call static methods of one class from methods in another class. The only restriction is that the static methods must be declared as public.
Example 3: access static methods from methods in another class
class Car
public static $brand = 'Tata';
public static $model = 'Tata Safari';
public static function getBrand()
return self::$brand;
public static function getModel()
return self::$model;
class MyCar
public function showProperties()
$properties = array(
'brand' => Car::getBrand(),
'model' => Car::getModel()
return $properties;
$mycar = new MyCar();
$properties = $mycar->showProperties();
Array ( [brand] => Tata [model] => Tata Safari )
We can also call a static method from a child class with the help of parent keyword inside the child class. In this case, static method can be either public or protected.
Example 4: access static methods from child calss using parent keyword
class Car
public static $brand = 'Tata';
public static $model = 'Tata Safari';
public static function getBrand()
return self::$brand;
protected static function getModel()
return self::$model;
protected static function getTransmission()
return 'Automatic';
class MyCar extends Car
public $transmission;
public function __construct()
$this->transmission = parent::getTransmission();
public function showProperties()
$properties = array(
'brand' => Car::getBrand(),
'model' => Car::getModel(),
'transmission' => $this->transmission
return $properties;
$mycar = new MyCar();
$properties = $mycar->showProperties();
Array ( [brand] => Tata [model] => Tata Safari [transmission] => Automatic )
An Interface allows you to create programs that specifies which methods a class must implement, without defining how those methods are implemented.
A PHP class that has minimum one abstract method is called as abstract class and cannot be instantiated by itself.
The static properties or variables are those type of variables which are defined with the static keyword.